Eddú Meléndez

Code Analysis With JArchitect

Code Analysis is a really important stage in our projects, we need to take a look the software healthy every day. In this blog, JArchitect is the Code Analysis tool for Java projects that we are going to talk about.

Months ago I have the chance to get a JArchitect’s license- thanks to the CodeGears team for this license. Then, I started taking a look how it works.

  • Code Quality Metrics
  • Graph Dependency
  • Dependency Cycle


A really nice feature is that you can use CQLinq to build query over Java code. To learn more about CQLinq syntax check here. Also, allow you to create your own rules.

Modern projects use build tools to package their artifacts (jar, war, etc) So the integration with modern build tools such as gradle and maven is possible, you can follow the online documentation to set up.

Also, Continuous Integration process is real using JArchitect.

About Code Coverage, cobertura is the only technology supported by JArchitect at this moment. These metrics can be getting from xml files, but we need to generate reports previous to the code analysis.

Another great integration is that we can enrich our analysis with existing tools in the market like CheckStyle, FindBugs, PMD.

Languages that already run in the JVM can be analyze by JArchitect like scala, groovy, clojure.

For Open Source contributor there are good news. You can get your own free copy of JArchitect. How to apply? Check this link for more information.

Analysis Bar

Graph Dependency

Report- Metrics

Report- Rules Violated

CQLinq sentence
