Eddú Meléndez

Review: RabbitMQ Essentials

I have had the opportunity to have acces to “RabbitMQ Essentials” book published by Packtpub.com. Thanks to the author David Dossot (@ddossot)

Are you interested in Messaging or Message Queuing?

This is a book that you should to read. It has a very good introduction about Messaging concepts, Advanced Message Queuing Protocol (AMQP) description and core concepts. Differences between AMQP and another protocols.


  • Chapter 1: A Rabbit Springs to Life
  • Chapter 2: Creating an application Inbox
  • Chapter 3: Switching to Server-push
  • Chapter 4: Handling Application Logs
  • Chapter 5: Tweaking Message Delivery
  • Chapter 6: Smart Message Routing
  • Chapter 7: Taking RabbitMQ to Production
  • Chapter 8: Testing and Tracing Applications
  • Appendix: Message Schemas

The book has a lot of examples in different programming languages, most of them in java but also in ruby and python. It also has a section about load test. So, I think that all the topics are covered.

Link: RabbitMQ Essentials
